Dear Co-Laborers,
Our upcoming Pastors, Preachers, and Workers’ Camp at Hi-Acres, Calot, Sablan, Mt. Province is scheduled on January 05-08, 2009, Monday night through Thursday morning. The theme for this camp is: “Strengthening Fellowship, Partnership, and Friendship in Missions” based on Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12, and Luke 5:7. Camp fee is still pegged at Php550.00 per delegate.
We will hear challenging messages from God’s Word through men whom God uses in furthering the cause of World Missions. Our Foreign Missions servicing agency, Asian Baptist Clearinghouse, was requested to amplify anew its distinct role in assisting Churches and Missionaries especially in facilitating the remittance of support, and at the same time share with us update on the status of Missionaries.
The Annual Meeting of High Acres Camp Ministries, Inc. (HACMI) with concerned Church/Mission Pastors, on Camp operations and development, including annual election of the members of the HACMI Board, and Officers, is scheduled on Wednesday, January 07, noontime.
We hope and pray that this annual start of the year Camp will be another venue and opportunity to consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works. It will surely be a refreshing moment to renew fellowship for the cause of Christ in reaching the world with the Gospel through the Local New Testament Churches.
We appreciate your prayers, support, and presence in this Pastors/ Preachers/Workers’ Camp 2009.
Sincerely in Christ,
Bro. Gerry Nable
Camp Director