Thursday, January 04, 2018

“5 Things The Bible Says About Paying Pastors or Church Leaders” (Christian Media Magazine)


“It always seems to be a constant source of contention; how much should a pastor make, if anything? On the one hand, people argue that they are to be servants and thus can serve within the church as pastor while working elsewhere. They will cite the Apostle Paul and say that he had a tent-making job, then claim that modern pastors must do the same. So, it’s a question that is on a lot of people’s minds. The Bible, however, clears up any confusion on the subject.”

Read the complete article by Michael Krauszer.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

“Feelings versus Truth” (Christian Media Magazine)


“Even if we wholly believe in the infallibility of the Bible and characterize God as our “Lord”, the majority of us still generally live out of our limbic system. You know – the emotional part of our brain that virtually each and every time overrides our prefrontal cortex, which is the part of our brain that was designed to compel us to pursue wise decisions. I have heard it said that we make 90% of our decisions based on how we feel. And as we witness every day, that process produces an overwhelming assortment of turmoil and heartbreak.

“For those of us who characterize ourselves as Christians, let’s take a look at how we stack up in this area. Compelling statistics from various sources indicate:

  • Extramarital affairs are nearly as prevalent in the church as they are outside of the church

  • Pornography use is already rampant among those who attend church as roughly 70% of men 30% of women struggle with unbiblical compulsive sexual activities they cannot stop

  • Road rage, though sadly joked about so often within the church is on a regular basis”

Read the complete article by Steve Hunt.