Monday, September 30, 2019

The 30th Fundamental Bible Conference in Metro-Manila, October 24-25, 2019

When: October 24-25, 2019; 2:00-9:30 PM

Where: The Astoria Plaza #15 J. Escriva Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Art Sinski, Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Bremerton, WA.

Pre-registration fee (until Oct. 15) is Php 150.00; Registration fee on Oct, 24 is Php 180.00

Topics/Message Titles:

1. “Genuine vs. Counterfeit Worship Pre- and Post-Rapture”

2. “The Root and Result of Compromise” 

3. “Vital Signs to Look for in a Church” 

4. “The Trustworthiness of God” 

5. “The Perils of Pragmatism” 

6. “The Bible on Same-sex Marriage” 

7. “The Proper Use of Social Media” 

8. "The Good Minister's Belief And Behavior" (I Timothy 4:6-16)

9. "A Mandated, Righteous Response To False Teachers" (Romans 16:17-20)

10. "The Critical Nature Of Theology To The Life Of Your Pulpit And Church" (Pastorals)

11. "Ephesus: Thirty Years After The Pastorals" Revelation 2:1-7

For more details, check out and like the page, Facebook @fundamentalbibleconference.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Legal discussions on the Family Code of the Philippines for pastors and church members

Over the years, I’ve conducted seminars for churches, Bible schools, and groups of pastors. In these seminars, I’ve emphasized to the pastors that they must have a working knowledge of the Family Code of the Philippines.

Posted below are some discussions in my “Legal Updates” blog about the Family Code and other topics that are relevant to the Filipino family. Please post these links in your church website or social media accounts.

Most-read discussions:

Adultery, concubinage, marital infidelity, and psychological violence

Can a mother be deprived of custody of her child?

Custody battles over children: what determines fitness of a parent over another?

Financial support for an abandoned woman and her family

Did the Supreme Court order all credit card companies to reduce their interest rate of 3% monthly and penalty fee of 3%?

Divorce obtained abroad by a Filipino citizen against alien spouse recognized in the Philippines

Miss, Ms, or Mrs? Philippine law on surnames for married women

Visitation rights over illegitimate children

What surname should illegitimate children use?

Heirs and inheritances

If your spouse dies without a last will, who will inherit?

Legitimes, free portions, and intestate shares

Rights of illegitimate children when their parent dies without a last will

Who inherits from an illegitimate child?

The right of legitimate children to inherit

Settle the estate of your deceased spouse before marrying again

Is property acquired before marriage the exclusive property of each spouse or does it belong to both spouses?

Do inherited properties belong exclusively to the spouse who inherited them or to both spouses?

Last will must be probated; Preterition (when a compulsory heir is omitted in a last will)

Can nephews and nieces inherit from their grandparents, unmarried aunts or uncles?

Disinheriting children and descendants, legitimate as well as illegitimate

Disinheriting your spouse

When a man is married to or living in with several women successively or simultaneously, who has the right to inherit from him?

Article 176 of the Family Code: how to compute the inheritance of legitimate and illegitimate children; an illegitimate child gets only 50% of what a legitimate child is entitled to

Who inherits from a man or woman who died single and with no last will?

Primers on the Family Code of the Philippines

Primer on marriage

Primer on void and voidable marriages

Primer on paternity, filiation and legitimate children

Primer on illegitimate children

Primer on legitimation

Primer on legal separation

Primer on rights and obligations between husband and wife

Primer on the family and family home

Primer on the property relations between husband and wife

Primer on absolute community of property

Primer on donations by reason of marriage

Other discussions on legal procedures in civil and criminal procedures:

Legal Procedures 01: Jurisdiction of trial courts MTC, RTC

Legal Procedures 02: Jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court

Legal Procedures 03: Katarungang Pambarangay

Legal Procedures 04: Cases not subject to Katarungang Pambarangay

Legal Procedures 05: Preliminary investigation

Legal Procedures 06: Arrest and bail

Legal Procedures 07: Search and seizure

Legal Procedures 08: Rights of the accused

Legal Procedures 10: Pleadings and motions before arraignment

Legal Procedures 11: Arraignment and pre-trial

Legal Procedures 12: Trial procedure in criminal cases

Legal Procedures 13: Motions during trial of a criminal case

Legal Procedures 14: Criminal cases subject to Summary Procedure

Legal Procedures 15: Summary Procedure in criminal cases

Legal Procedures 17: Promulgation of judgment in criminal cases

Legal Procedures 18: Remedies after conviction

Legal Procedures 19: Duration of penalties

Legal Procedures 20: Extinction and prescription of the crime; civil liability

Legal Procedures 22: Filing of complaint and answer in civil cases

Legal Procedures 23: Default or failure to answer

Legal Procedures 24: Motion to Dismiss

Legal Procedures 25: Kinds of pleadings and motions in civil cases

Legal Procedures 26: After the last pleading or motion

Legal Procedures 28: Pre-trial conference in civil cases (PDF)

Legal Procedures 30: Trial procedure in civil cases (PDF)

Legal Procedures 31: Civil cases under Summary Procedure (PDF)

Legal Procedures 32: Summary Procedure in civil cases (PDF)

Legal Procedures 33: Modes of discovery (PDF)

Legal Procedures 34: Provisional remedies, injunction, TRO (PDF)

Legal Procedures 35: Promulgation of judgment in civil cases (PDF)

Legal Procedures 36: Motions and petitions for losing party (PDF)

Legal Procedures 37: Execution of judgment in civil cases (PDF)

Legal Procedures 38: Appeal from MTC to RTC (PDF)

Legal Procedures 39: Appeal from RTC to Court of Appeals (PDF)

Legal Procedures 40: Appeal to the Supreme Court (PDF)

Legal Procedures 41: Special Civil Actions (PDF)

Legal Procedures 42: Special Proceeding (PDF)

Ad cautelam: filing of pleadings as precaution or appearing in court even as you question its jurisdiction