Monday, September 30, 2019

The 30th Fundamental Bible Conference in Metro-Manila, October 24-25, 2019

When: October 24-25, 2019; 2:00-9:30 PM

Where: The Astoria Plaza #15 J. Escriva Drive, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Art Sinski, Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Bremerton, WA.

Pre-registration fee (until Oct. 15) is Php 150.00; Registration fee on Oct, 24 is Php 180.00

Topics/Message Titles:

1. “Genuine vs. Counterfeit Worship Pre- and Post-Rapture”

2. “The Root and Result of Compromise” 

3. “Vital Signs to Look for in a Church” 

4. “The Trustworthiness of God” 

5. “The Perils of Pragmatism” 

6. “The Bible on Same-sex Marriage” 

7. “The Proper Use of Social Media” 

8. "The Good Minister's Belief And Behavior" (I Timothy 4:6-16)

9. "A Mandated, Righteous Response To False Teachers" (Romans 16:17-20)

10. "The Critical Nature Of Theology To The Life Of Your Pulpit And Church" (Pastorals)

11. "Ephesus: Thirty Years After The Pastorals" Revelation 2:1-7

For more details, check out and like the page, Facebook @fundamentalbibleconference.