Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Baptist Bible College (Bethany Makati) Annual Concert, October 20, 2005

Baptist Bible College freshmen and sophomores in their annual concert led by music teacher Sis. Nora Alzate

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Asia Baptist Bible College Choir in concert, November 21, 2005

Lanie Bongon, front and center

Lift your voices and sing!

No, these aren't high school students on their JS, but ABBC freshmen and sophomore students in the annual concert

Sir William Cordero, the choir director

Moraya "May" Padua, ABBC music teacher, rendering a special number

A few good men

Members of the Metropolitan Children's Choir adding their voices to the success of the concert

Rev. Joseph Boyd Lyons, ABBC president, giving the closing message